Blog Articles

4 Ways Wise Planning Can Protect Your Family’s Assets

While most people assume only the uber wealthy need to worry about asset protection, those with less wealth and fewer assets may be at even greater risk. For example, if you’re a multi-millionaire, a $50,000 judgment against you might not ...
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Q & A: Do I need to create a new will if I move to another state?

Q & A: ______________________________________________________________________________ Q: Do I need to create a new will if I move to another state? -Curious Mover ANSWER ______________________________________________________________________________ A: Dear Curious: Most states will accept a will that was executed properly under another state’s laws. ...
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Will Your Estate Plan Actually Work When Your Family Needs It?

November 6, 2020 is “National Love Your Lawyer Day,” which started in 2001 as a way to celebrate lawyers for their positive contributions and encourage the public to view lawyers in a more favorable light. If you’re like most people, ...
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How Do Trusts Help You Save on Taxes?

Many people come to us curious (or confused) about trusts and taxes. So, today’s article is going to sort it out and clarify things for you. There are two types of trusts, and each have different tax consequences. Revocable trusts, ...
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