Married With Children


Ensuring a Secure Future for Your Family


For couples with children, our estate planning services go beyond addressing financial matters. We focus on the well-being and future of your children, specifying preferences for guardianship, upbringing, and financial management. Our goal is to create a legal framework that ensures your children are cared for according to your values and wishes while safeguarding your legacy.


Protecting Your Family's Future

We understand the importance of your family's security and well-being. Your marriage and parenthood journey are unique, an we are here to ensure that your estate plan reflects your commitment to your family.


Our legal services for married parents encompass a wide range of considerations, We work closely with you to create a comprehensive estate plan that covers all aspects of your family future. This includes addressing financial matters, specifying roles and responsibilities, and outlining inheritances to provide for your children's needs.


Tailored Solutions for Your Family's Unique Dynamics


Every Family is distinct, and our approach is to provide customized solutions that reflect your specific circumstances. We take the time to understand the dynamics of your family, ensuring that your estate plan is a true reflection of your relationships and shared experiences.


We respect your time and strive to simplify the planning process for your convenience. Whether you're beginning your estate planning journey as a married parent or looking to update existing plans to accommodate changes in your family's dynamics, our approach is focused on providing a straightforward and efficient experience.

To get started right away, click here to schedule an appointment online​.  You may also call our office at 312-820-7508 to schedule an appointment.